nourison stair runners

nourison broadloom carpet


While area rugs are the most commonly shopped for type of residential rug, stair runners are a close second. As with any product in high demand, the supply is great. So, how does one go about weeding through the various manufacturers and styles of rugs? At Rug Depot, we’re proud carriers of Nourison stair runners. Making a choice simple, Nourison is known for its excellence. Here are three reasons why you should consider Nourison when selecting stair runners for your home or business.



Overseeing nearly all aspects of the manufacturing process, the folks at Nourison care about the products they produce. With over 35 years in the industry, the family-owned and operated company stands behind the products they provide, which means they’ll ensure only the best leaves their factory.



No matter what type of rug you’re looking to purchase, they’re not a one size fits all solution. From oriental area rugs to premium quality rugs for upscale corporate markets, Nourison provides the most extensive in-stock inventory for clients of all spectrums.


Perhaps you’re not finding something perfect? No worries; the company strives on going above and beyond by offering custom capabilities that are second to none. Handmade or machine made, the innovations of Nourison have led to the most diverse custom rug program in the industry.



Being hands on means having the power to create products at every price point. No matter what the size requirements, or the budget, the manufacturing process at Nourison allows the company to reach all levels.


If covering your wooden stairs is something you’ve always thought of, it’s time to consider Nourison stair runners. With the largest selection, you’ll have every color and every design at the tips of your finger. No matter what the overall aesthetic of your home or business may be, Nourison has the solution.

For more information, visit our team at the Rug Depot today!

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