momeni rugs on sale at Rug Depot in Nashua NH

We love talking rugs, and today, we're here to discuss a longtime favorite: Momeni Rugs! At Rug Depot, we take pride in our custom rug selection, and we understand the importance of the style, make, and brand. Because of this, we provide a wide selection of beautiful Momeni Rugs. Keep reading for a brief history behind the Momeni rug brand!

A Rug-Family Tradition

According to this article, Momeni Rug was started by Haji Momeni, with a focus on luxury, Persian rugs. In the early days of production, Momeni went door-to-door, selling his quality, handwoven rugs. While this helped his company gain traction, it took some time for his brand to grow as a rug company. And 40 years later, Momeni Rugs has cemented itself as a reputable rug brand, thanks to its ability to stay up to date with the current rug trends and styles and its family-owned tradition. 

From Loom to Room

When they first started in 1975, Momeni offered handwoven, wool Persian rugs in their luxury showroom in New York City. Today, Momeni still offers the same quality and style, and most rugs are power loomed in Turkey. You can enjoy the timeless addition of a Momeni rug in your home with the choice of 100% wool and polyester thread.

Stick to Style

One of the reasons Momeni is still a top brand in the rug community is thanks to its ability to stay on trend! We love offering our customers a variety of the most beautiful and versatile carpeting and rug options, and Momeni offers both! Whether your style is classic, eclectic, or minimalist, these rugs are the perfect accent to any interior, regardless of the style! And yes, we have them all!

Shop Momeni Rugs at Rug Depot!

With over 40 Years of experience in the rug business, our top priority is selling quality rugs! Momeni Rugs are a beautiful addition to any room, and we always have a wide array of styles and sizes available. Not sure what you're looking for? Rug Depot can help! We have a gorgeous selection of rugs to fit your budget and style.

For more information on custom rug options, please don't hesitate to contact our professionals or visit our online store! Like our Facebook page for more updates!

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